Our Vision
Empowering Learners | Aakonga Whakamana
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Welcome to Matangi School

Nau Mai, Haere Mai

Welcome to Matangi School. We are a thriving country school located about five minutes south of Hamilton city.

Our school vision “Empowering Learners to make a Positive Impact” is evident in all we do.

We provide a quality education for children in Years 1 to 6 and have a roll of around 200 students. We are a highly professional team of teachers and support staff who work collaboratively together to provide a wide range of learning experiences both within the school and local environment.

Matangi School is in the heart of Matangi and has a long and proud history as part of this community. As a school in a thriving community, we are well supported through strong and positive relationships with parents and whanau. There are many opportunities for you to be engaged in your child/children’s learning and life at school.

We are a well-resourced school with innovative, creative and caring teachers. We welcome new enrolments at all Year levels.
There is both a before and after school care programme available if needed.

We welcome visitors, and our website will provide you an insight into the life of the school. Please feel free to make contact with me and have a tour of the school.

Ngā mihi nui

Bernard Butler

Bernard Butler

Our People

Our Place

Our Practice



Reflection Whakaahuatanga



  • Events

Friday, February 7

Mihi Whakatau
9:40 am – 10:00 am

Wednesday, February 12

Year 6 - Narrows Leadership Camp
All Day

Friday, February 14

TRY - athlon
All Day
2:00 pm – 2:45 pm
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